Opción Obrera es la sección venezolana de la CRCI (Coordinadora por la Refundación de la IV Internacional)

Propulsamos el desarrollo de una política proletaria al seno de los trabajadores tras su independencia de clase y una organización de lucha para su liberación de la explotación e instaurar El Gobierno de los Trabajadores, primer paso hacia el socialismo.

Ante la bancarrota capitalista mundial nuestra propuesta es que:


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martes, 30 de enero de 2018

Sinking capital and rescuing our lives

Recover capital at the expense of salary?
Sinking capital and rescuing our lives, that the product of labor be for workers

1 The cannibalism of a broken economy
1a It is demonstrated that economic war does exist, has always existed and is capitalism, through exploitation, of imperialism against oppressed nations, within the nation, of public and private employers against their workers, before governments of the “Punto Fijo” deal, today with Maduro and his team, see only the list of preferential dollars granted by government agencies for import since the change control was created, the first 15 are almighty companies in the world, automotive, drugs, food, the steel industry when it was from the techint group and one from Venezuela, the Polar Group, those benefited by bringing their products made anywhere in the world, with our cheap dollars to sell them to those who produce those dollars, the Venezuelan company favored , the beer and bagasse Polar food, used to build an emporium abroad, with all that money had been carried out the largest projects of national industries, both urban and in agriculture.

Maduro has said that the bicoca of 70,000 million dollars of debt has been paid, with that amount plus the dollars granted by Cadivi and Cencoex since 2004, would have built the best industrial park in Latin America along with a comprehensive agrarian reform.

Now we are in a paralysis of the economy, where it is not intended to leave the cause that produced it, only resort to warm cloths to lighten the fever. On the part of the government, they only take pains to look for how to obtain dollars to continue in the same. From the private sector, the industrial sectors became the best importing merchants, through the acquisition of preferential dollars, supplied by the welfare state and it is enough to hear Lorenzo Mendoza to realize that his actions are to continue demanding dollars to be able to continue producing, more parasite cannot be this national bourgeoisie.

The production when it is not zero is very low in all public and private companies, heavy industry in Guayana, the oil industry, all sectors of manufacturing, metalworking, plastics, chemicals, auto parts, tires, household appliances, and more complicated the disaster, before the confiscation of the money of the Venezuelans on the part of the banks, promoted by the BCV.

1b Extreme gravity situation only survive the most lucrative businesses that include food medicines, some indispensable services such as the transport of those same goods and something unheard, the via crucis to obtain cash
Despite the loss of value of the Bolivar, cash is very scarce, then there is the pathetic contradiction that the cash is sold, paid electronically, with debit or by transfer an amount in bolivars to receive a much lower amount of bolivars in cash and that is essential, because of the need to use it in transport, it is also common for the food to have a lower value in cash, and you cannot buy it and you must pay it with debit, which is sometimes up to 50% more.

There are those who make a circuit of retail sale of merchandise in cash and electronic, all at the expense of the consumer, where there is someone with access to wholesale regulated price, linked to the government, which is enriched due to shortages.

Banks when they have cash, because the remittance arrives, they have limited the amount per person, the users enter the bank by lots, until the bank does not allow more income due to the scarce quantity to be distributed, there are other limitations, a transaction by person and be the owner of the account, you can withdraw from a single affiliate accounts and do not pay third parties. A "corralito" disguised and cruel.

The transport is paid in cash and only for interurban transfers, the amount you can withdraw from the bank gives for one day, in many cities and towns the transfer is in trucks, vans, because the proper transport is unemployed because they argue they cannot cover the maintenance of the unit. The extra urban transport is almost impossible; a round trip costs as much as the monthly minimum wage and the payment is in cash.

About employment, many times a person is not hired to do a job because the salary is not enough to pay for transportation, much less food, an example for breakfast a pie is worth more than twice the value of the minimum daily wage. 10 empanadas equal a minimum monthly salary

The containment of a social irruption are the bonds, an aberrant call card of the country that forces the government due to hunger, a set of imported foods called clap, increasingly scarce and it reaches fewer people.

2 The government and the MUD two sides of the same coin

Today Venezuela is in a chaotic situation, the resolution of the crisis does not transcend the causes that led us to the collapse of the economy, because the political, negotiating and radical options of both the MUD and of the government, in their economic proposals they offer nothing different from a capitalist recovery, they differ in the form of achieving it, the method through an adjustment varies only in its intensity, liberation from exchange control, devaluation of the currency, increase in tariffs on services, facilities for private investment, especially supply of dollars by the State, more imports and wages of hunger. 

Both the extremists, and the conciliators of both sides seek social and economic stabilization, recover bourgeois governability, via fast, with shock therapy or slow, gradual with sedative, the two will be at the expense of us, especially the workers, with a retroces or in salaries, as we are suffering. Our purchasing power or real salary, has gone back decades, only in 2017 lost 84% of its purchasing power according to some analysts. 

The exact measure of the capitalists, a new exchange agreement, a new law of foreign investments and the reopening of the securities market. 

The vaunted non-dogmatic socialism, but modern adapted to this 21st century, went down in history. By any of these two routes the bestial fit and the other with Clap and bonuses, one with left hand and the other with right hand, do not raise anything outside the exploitation of man by man. So not everything is imputed to the empire and the Venezuelan right. 

3 The pseudo-left 

The survival of this government is not based today on broad popular support, but still large sectors resist and defend their modest employment, or their bonus. What the US and capital fear is an uprising out of control of the mass movement, the confrontation with the workers and the people with scarce resources, is what is expected.

A part of that left, uses arguments of support to Maduro under a "logic of the lesser evil" the other part, just as harmful, product of the despair of not having achieved something within the Chavism, cohabit with the traditional right. Both as well as disorienting, they are liquidators for any movement that begins its rupture with nationalism. As long as the fighters and the working class do not take the lead and do not take action to solve their needs, disasters will follow. There is still a fragile balance between a weak and erratic government and an opposition of the unpopular right, which aspires to become a government. 

The gringos are interested in their energy security, and that is why their concern for governance in Venezuela, their motive is oil and Take advantage of any situation to act. He does not invade because he cannot, the figures do not give him, not because he does not want to. He does not care who governs, but if that government serves his interests

4 There has never been an alternative program to these traditional and parasitic relations of production

In the elections nothing is proposed as a concrete proposal to address the hardships, only speeches, propaganda and promises Respect to the elections it is necessary to manifest and to assert that those who govern and who aspire to govern do not represent us. Therefore, we say above all to the workers and the people in general not to be fooled by the "messiahs" who will try to take advantage of the current crisis situation, let us not be fooled by the promises of elections, we have the null vote backed by a platform of revolutionary struggle 
The workers are not prepared to propose an alternative if they do not have a concrete project of struggle, assuming one can give a chance to overcome this crisis to their benefit. 

Only with a platform of revolutionary and organized struggle can the capitalist exit be defeated.

Punctual proposals in addition to those already known

Claps to publish the distribution sites, quantities and foods that contain the bags and boxes. Control by the communities of their management 

Transportation that an alternative emergency plan is given, the permissions of the abusers' lines are eliminated, the trucks are censed, their state who handles them, and the community is answered with the service. Each community knows with the real state of the line, the amount of transportation available, its quality, its drivers, its approved stops, its route, its schedule, the line must deliver account to the corresponding community. We have to expropriate the transport mafias. Food control over production, privilege to independent producers, assistance to the necessary infrastructure on the part of the state, planning on the needs of consumption and the communities that produce, guarantee on the distribution and its sale, without vaccines or intervention military or police.

The Wheat it must be eliminated the privilege that have the private bakers, is published in each site the amounts of the sacks delivered and the price paid along with the other inputs such as yeast, oil and sugar, the production of necessary "salted bread" is published and of the sweet bread. Let artisanal bakers privilege the true communal producers. Likewise, corn, the priority for the people, the publication of national production, quantities and places, distribution sites, prices and a transport system to supply the communities without intervention or vaccination by the police and the army. 

The medicines that are controlled imports, their import price is published quantities and purposes according to their requirements, control of Barrio Adentro workers and the communities on the storage and delivery of medicines.
No to the banking corralito, issuance of cash currency according to the needs, to establish a real and effective electronic payment platform. That the list of imports, import prices, quantities, and those supplied with amounts and prices be published, both food and supplies, spare parts, equipment. War against the mafias 

(1) It is essential to reorder the economy in order to benefit workers and communities throughout the country. Immediately requires nationalization of banking and foreign trade and all strategic sectors under workers' control, the elimination of payment of debt, no compensation to the robber capitalists, reorganization of the economy according to social needs without capitalist bosses nor bureaucrats. General salary increase to cover the basic family basket.

José Capitán

Hundir al capital y rescatar nuestra vida

¿Recuperar al capital a costa del salario?
Hundir al capital y rescatar nuestra vida, que el producto del trabajo sea para los trabajadores

El canibalismo de una economía quebrada

1a Está demostrado que la guerra económica sí existe, siempre ha existido y es del capitalismo, a través de la explotación, del imperialismo contra las naciones oprimidas, dentro de la nación, de los patronos públicos y privados  contra sus trabajadores, antes con los gobiernos del pacto de punto fijo, hoy con Maduro y su equipo, vean solamente la lista de los dólares preferenciales otorgados por los organismos del gobierno para la importación desde que se creó el control de cambio, las primeras 15, son empresas todopoderosas del mundo, automotrices, fármacos, alimentos, la siderurgia cuando era del grupo techint y una de Venezuela, el Grupo Polar, aquellas se beneficiaron trayendo sus productos hechos en cualquier parte del mundo, con nuestros dólares baratos para vendérnoslos a los que producimos esos dólares, la empresa venezolana favorecida, la de la cerveza y bagazo de alimentos Polar, los utilizó para armar un emporio en el extranjero, con todo ese dinero se hubiesen realizado los mayores proyectos de industrias nacionales, tanto urbanos como en el agro.

Maduro ha dicho que se ha pagado la bicoca de 70.000 millones de dólares de deuda, con esa cantidad más los dólares otorgados por Cadivi y Cencoex desde el 2004, se hubiese construido el mejor parque industrial de América Latina junto a una vasta reforma agraria integral. 

Ahora nos encontramos en una parálisis de la economía, donde no se pretende salir de la causa que lo produjo, solo recurren a paños tibios para aligerar la fiebre. Por parte del gobierno, solo se esmeran en buscar cómo obtener dólares para seguir en lo mismo. Desde el sector privado, los sectores industriales se convirtieron en los mejores comerciantes importadores, mediante la adquisición de dólares preferenciales, suministrados por el Estado benefactor y basta oír a Lorenzo Mendoza para darse cuenta que sus acciones son seguir exigiéndole dólares para poder seguir produciendo, mas parásita no puede ser esta burguesía nacional. 

 La producción cuando no es cero es muy baja en todas las empresas públicas y privadas, la industria pesada de Guayana, la industria del petróleo, todo los sectores de manufactura, metalmecánica, plásticos, químicas, autopartes, neumáticos, electrodomésticos, y se complica más el desastre, ante la confiscación del dinero de los venezolanos por parte de los banca, promovida por el BCV.

1b Situación extrema gravedad solo sobreviven los negocios más lucrativos que comprenden los alimentos medicinas, algunos servicios indispensables como el transporte de esas mismas mercancías  y algo inaudito, el vía crucis para obtener dinero en efectivo

A pesar de la pérdida de valor del Bolívar, el efectivo es muy escaso, entonces se da la patética contradicción que el efectivo se vende, se paga vía electrónica, con debito o mediante transferencia un monto en bolívares para recibir una cantidad de bolívares mucho menor en efectivo y eso es indispensable, por la necesidad de utilizarlo en el transporte, también es común que el alimento tenga un valor menor en efectivo, y no lo puedas comprar y debas pagarlo con debito que a veces es  hasta de un 50% más.  

Hay quienes realizan un circuito de compra venta minorista de mercancías, con diferencia de pagos en efectivo o en electrónico a expensas del consumidor, donde alguien con acceso con pago mayor a precio regulado, vinculado al gobierno, se enriquece debido a la escasez de efectivo además de especular con el alimento u otro bien necesario.

Los bancos cuando tienen efectivo, porque le llega la remesa,  tienen limitado el monto a entregar por persona,  los usuarios ingresan al banco en lotes,  hasta que el banco no permite mas ingresos debido a la escasa cantidad a distribuir, hay otras limitantes,  un transacción por persona y ser titular de la cuenta, puedes retirar de una sola cuentas afiliadas  y no pagan a no titulares. Un “corralito” disfrazado y cruel. 

El transporte se paga en efectivo y solo por traslados interurbanos,  el monto que puedes retirar del banco da para un día,  en muchas ciudades y pueblos el traslado es en camiones, camionetas, porque el transporte adecuado esta de paro porque argumentan no poder cubrir el mantenimiento de la unidad. El transporte extraurbano es casi imposible, un viaje ida y vuelta te sale tanto como el salario mínimo mensual y el pago es en efectivo. 

Sobre el empleo, muchas veces no se contrata a una persona para realizar un trabajo porque el salario no alcanza para pagar el transporte ni mucho menos la comida, un ejemplo para el desayuno una empanada vale más de dos veces el valor del salario mínimo diario. 10 empanadas equivalen a un salario mínimo mensual

La contención de una irrupción social son los bonos, un aberrante "carnet de la patria" que obliga el gobierno a sacar debido al hambre, un set de alimentos importados llamados clap,  cada vez más escasos y le llega a menos personas. 

2 El gobierno y la MUD dos caras de una misma moneda 

Hoy Venezuela se encuentra en una situación caótica, la resolución de la crisis no trasciende las causas que nos llevaron al colapso de la economía, pues las opciones políticas, negociadoras y radicales tanto de la MUD como del gobierno, en sus propuestas económicas no ofrecen nada diferente a una recuperación capitalista, defieren es en la forma de alcanzarla, el método a través de un ajuste varia solo en su intensidad, liberación del control de cambio, devaluación de la moneda, aumento de tarifas en servicios, facilidades para la inversión privada, sobre todo suministro de dólares por parte del Estado, mas importaciones y  salarios de hambre.

Tanto los extremistas, y los conciliadores de ambos bandos pretenden la estabilización social y económica, recuperar la gobernabilidad burguesa, vía rápida, con  terapia de shock o lenta, gradual con sedante, las dos serán a costa de nosotros sobre todo de los trabajadores, con un retroceso en los salarios, como lo estamos padeciendo. Nuestro poder adquisitivo o salario real, ha retrocedido décadas, solo en el 2017 perdió un 84% de su poder de compra según algunos analistas. 

La exacta medida de los capitalistas, un nuevo convenio cambiario, una nueva ley de inversiones extranjeras  y reapertura del mercado de títulos valores, estas son las últimas propuestas del gobierno para resolver la crisis de la economía.

El cacareado socialismo no dogmático, sino moderno adaptado a este siglo XXI pasó a la historia. Por cualquiera de esas dos vías la del ajuste bestial y la otra con Clap y bonos, una con mano izquierda y la otra con mano derecha, no plantean nada fuera de la explotación del hombre por el hombre. Así que no todo es imputado al imperio y a la derecha venezolana.  

3 La pseudo izquierda

La supervivencia de este gobierno no se basa hoy en un amplio apoyo popular, sin embargo todavía grandes sectores resisten y defienden su modesto empleo, o su bono.

Lo que teme EEUU y el capital es un levantamiento fuera de control del movimiento de masas, la confrontación con los trabajadores y el pueblo de escasos recursos, es lo que se espera.

Una parte de la pseudo izquierda, utiliza argumentos de apoyo a Maduro bajo una "lógica del mal menor" la otra parte, igual de dañina, producto del desespero de no haber logrado algo dentro del chavismo, cohabitan con la derecha tradicional. Ambas además de desorientadoras, son liquidadoras para cualquier movimiento que inicia su ruptura con el nacionalismo

Mientras los luchadores y la clase trabajadora no tomen la dirección y no  entren en acción para resolver sus necesidades,  seguirán los desastres. Todavía existe un frágil equilibrio entre un gobierno débil y errático y una oposición de la derecha impopular, que aspira a convertirse en gobierno

A los gringos le interesa su seguridad energética, y por eso su preocupación por la gobernabilidad en Venezuela, su móvil es el petróleo y aprovecha cualquier situación para actuar. No invade porque no puede, las cifras no le dan, no porque no quiere. No le importa quién gobierne, sino si ese gobierno le sirve a sus intereses

4 Nunca se ha planteado programa alternativo a estas vernáculas y parásitas relaciones de    producción

En las elecciones no se plantea nada como propuesta concreta para atender las penurias, solo discursos, propaganda y promesas Respecto a las elecciones es necesario manifestar y remachar que no nos representan quienes gobiernan y quienes aspiran a gobernar. Por tanto manifestamos sobre todo a los trabajadores y al pueblo en general no dejarse engañar por los “mesías” que intentarán aprovecharse de la situación de crisis actual, no nos dejemos embaucar por las promesas de elecciones, nos queda el voto nulo respaldado con una plataforma de lucha revolucionaria 

Los trabajadores no están preparados para plantear una alternativa si no tienen un proyecto de lucha concreto, asumiendo uno se puede dar una posibilidad de superar esta crisis en su beneficio. Solo con una plataforma de lucha revolucionaria y organizada se puede derrotar la salida capitalista.  

Propuestas puntuales además de las ya presentadas (1)

Clap que se publique los sitios de distribución, las cantidades y los alimentos que contienen las bolsas y las cajas a entregar. Control por parte de las comunidades de su gestión.

Transporte que se dé un plan de emergencia alternativo, se eliminen los permisos de las líneas de los abusadores, que se cense las camionetas, su estado, el conductor autorizado, y se responda a la comunidad con la satisfacción del servicio. Cada comunidad sepa el estatus real de la línea, su cantidad de transportes disponibles, su calidad, sus conductores desigandos, sus paradas aprobadas, su recorrido, su horario, la línea debe entregar cuenta a la comunidad correspondiente. Hay que expropiar a las mafias del transporte. 

Alimentos control sobre la producción agropecuaria,  privilegio a los productores agrícolas independientes, asistencia a la infraestructura necesaria por parte del estado, planificación sobre las necesidades del consumo y  sobre las comunidades y granjas que producen, garantía sobre la distribución y su venta, sin vacunas ni intervención militar o policial. 

El trigo que se elimine el privilegio que tienen los panaderos privados, se publique en cada sitio los montos de los sacos entregados y el precio pagado junto a los otros insumos como levadura aceite y azúcar, se publique la producción de “pan salado” necesario y del pan dulce. Que se privilegien las panaderías artesanales, que no solo utilizan harina de trigo, en Aragua hay más de 800 de ellas, con diferentes categorías de producción entre pequeñas, medianas y grandes, que producen para las comunidades y a precios no especulativos, y el gobierno las tiene relegadas. 

El maíz, la prioridad para el pueblo, que se publique la producción nacional, cantidades y lugares, sitios de distribución, precios y un sistema de transporte para surtir a las comunidades sin intervención ni vacuna de la policía y del ejercito. 

Las medicinas que se controlen las importaciones, su precio de importación se publique cantidades y fines de acuerdo a sus requerimientos, control de los trabajadores de Barrio Adentro y de las comunidades sobre el almacenamiento y entrega de los medicinas.

No al corralito bancario, emisión de moneda en efectivo inmediata de acuerdo a las necesidades, que se establezca una plataforma real y efectiva del pago electrónico.  

Que se publique lista de las importaciones, precios de importación, cantidades y a quienes se les suministra con montos y precios, tanto de alimentos como de insumos, repuestos, equipos.  Guerra a las mafias

(1) Es indispensable para reordenar la economía en razón de beneficiar a los trabajadores y las comunidades de todo el país. De inmediato se requiere nacionalización de la banca y del comercio exterior y todos los sectores estratégicos bajo el control obrero, la eliminación de pago de la deuda, ninguna compensación a los capitalistas ladrones, reorganización de la economía de acuerdo a las necesidades sociales sin jefes capitalistas ni burócratas. Aumento general de salarios hasta cubrir la cesta básica familiar.

José Capitán

sábado, 20 de enero de 2018

Clarification to a comment by Jorge Altamira about Opción Obrera

Clarification to a comment by Jorge Altamira about Opción Obrera

For Opción Obrera, it is necessary to specify some points that contrast with the analysis on Venezuela that Jorge Altamira (Partido Obrero de Argentina) exposes in an interview (lapiparota.wordpress.com) where he also characterizes OO briefly, lightly and mistakenly.

let's get to the point,the first thing that needs to be clarified is that Maduro and his government, if they resist, still use the masses, not with Trotskyist methods,  contrary  to what happened with Zelaya, Lugo and Dilma, who did not resist and they delivered the government to the ultra right, spurred by the empire. It is important to point out that "our" right-wing opposition does not use democratic methods, as has been demonstrated since April 2002.

The repression was used by the government against the onslaughts of the “guarimba”, and sometimes, the repressors were overwhelmed by the assaults of the right that was directed, paid, prepared and equipped, committing not a few murders, frequently some of their " leaders "operated stimulated by the effects of drugs and alcohol supplied by the organizers. These spotlight were sponsored by governors, mayors, deputies of the National Assembly, as well as Colombian and north American organizations, until they were -the guarimbas- visited by former presidents of other countries, "friends of democracy" like Andres Pastrana.

Among the operations was to destroy health facilities, education, transportation, burning of living people and also lash out against their own neighbors who were prevented from moving to their workplace, health emergencies or other needs, just missing a label of fascists to those sectors of middle class desperate, expressing hatred, racism, violence because even the swastika was a common badge. However, the manual was not met to define this as a civil war against the working class to point this out as fascism.

The government still mobilizes popular sectors, coerced, manipulated, that still resist and do not get excited with the siren songs of the MUD, and to avoid that, we can not take out the body or say whatsapp that they are wrong, we must mobilize to try to guide them. Nor is attending the shows of Maduro or a governor to make him bulk.

The election last July 30 of the ANC (1) was an excellent example, days before, the so-called "popular" consultation of the right on July 16 demonstrated its failure, did not drag the population after the fascist protests, there it sentenced its defeat, then the assistance on July 30 to the rigged elections of the constituents, where even Chavistas  candidates participated, representing workers or communal sectors, not approved by the PSUV, gave the result or coup de grace to the right.

This did not indicate that the objective of the conformation of the ANC was revolutionary, but it was true and I do not smell of turkey all the threats and sanctions offered by Trump(2), the EU, the 
OAS and the most reactionary governments of America, led by Manuel Santos against the election of the ANC. Today the economic sanctions are being suffered by Venezuelans, in our "dictatorship", by those democratic countries.

Against the working class, when it fights, makes demands and mobilizes, both public and private employers act in their interests as well as state agencies, such as labor offices, the prosecutor's office and the courts, are coerced and It criminalizes the protest as a form of repression, and on many occasions they send the police and the GNB in
​​defense of the boss. The government and private entrepreneurs are waging war on any movement that points to the autonomous struggle of the working class, there are fascist traits in employer sectors of both sides

On the side of the union bureaucracy that responds to the right-wing opposition, concentrated in the Union of Marcela Maspero, and the Fadess of the union dinosaurs of AD, they declare or act in agreement with Chambers of commerce and industry  and the most extremist parties, on the right, of the MUD, although also participates Ccura of the PSL.

Opción Obrera, participates in a front called the Platform for Revolutionary Struggle, section Aragua, where a statement was discussed and approved delimiting those elections, and also regarding government policy(3).
In conclusion, it is important to determine if the government resists whom? And he responds with repression. Is the government besieged by the working class and repressed or is it besieged by the pro-imperialist right and repressed?
Secondly, the problem is strategic and has to do with the control of oil, not by chance, the Middle East is a powder keg bursting every day more than 60 years ago, and Venezuela is in that team that make up OPEC.

Many are interested in devaluing the role of OPEC, although it is very diminished
, the countries that comprise it supply a third of the world production, which is exported, this is key, all the countries with the highest energy consumption, such as the US - far from being self-sufficient -, Europe and Japan depend on the "humor" of the OPEC, there are as main producers the Arab monarchy and Iran that together with other non-OPEC such as Russia, agree export volumes. Venezuela, despite the dilapidated state of PDVSA, is a very important exporter for the refineries of the US coast in the Gulf of Mexico.

Another point is the following, in madurism or the Maduro government, there are all those who were in Chavismo, with the exception of Chávez, obviously, and it is to lose time to speculate that he would have done today, as he would have responded, the electoral advantage It was used by both Chavez and Maduro, the difference was that with the wind in favor and is with the wind against, although it must be noted that the legacy of Chavez, was the real basis, which led to this situation. Maduro's personal characteristics or abilities weigh, it is true, but structurally the country did not change with respect to the time of Chavez or even before that era, that of the fixed-point pact regime, which was to squander the oil rent , that is the essential characteristic of this country, for 100 years and for Chavismo for 19 years.

On the side of the Left, it has never proposed an alternative program to these traditional and parasitic relations of production. Stalinism, already with 86 years of existence, survives by fully supporting the Maduro government, until its electoral slips do not pose anything alternative, just locate in a seat and continue to support. The PPT, does the corresponding in the same sense, the pursuit of chavismo essentially. Now both are stripping the daisy, to determine if they support Maduro's reelection. 

Opción Obrera, has made a thorough critique of the political line of the PCV (4), in turn when the opportunity has been given has also participated in meetings where militant unions and sometimes members of the PCV are represented, to give specific and unitary responses proposing and presenting proposals concrete class and independent government tutelage. It participated and continues to do so, with the small union federation Fusbec of Carabobo state, where an important national struggle activity of the workers of the Barrio Adentro Mission and in Aragua is spread in a fight platform divided in May of the autonomous proposals regarding government institutions. The PSL and Marea Socialista do not propose anything alternative to critical chavismo or to the right itself. 

Some additional element to be specified 

The left 

One part of the left, uses arguments supporting Maduro under a "logic of the lesser evil" the other part, just as harmful, product of the despair of not having achieved something within Chavism, coexist with the right traditional. Both as well as disorienting, they are liquidators for any movement that begins its rupture with nationalism. All Trotskyism morenismo  of  Venezuela or from the English current of the Grant, are immersed in this dilemma.
What is the correct, revolutionary position? word so expensive to chavismo. 

First we have to define Chavism, and then clearly delimit it. 

The parties and their governments, from January 1958 to December 1998, after the fall of the Perez Jimenez dictatorship, could not continue to create false expectations for Venezuelans, and as a result of the discontent, the 1989 social explosion took place. Exhaustion of the parties in power, without an alternative offered by the left, was picked up by an insurgent sector of the army that revolted in 1992, and years later, in the elections of December 1998 led, by discarding, a military to the government. The left had burned its cartridges in the last government of Rafael Caldera, 94-98, then followed his performance, of follow-up to the new government, to Chavez. 


Arriving at the government in 1999, through elections, at the outset demonstrates its previous commitment, approved, to exercise power within the bourgeois democratic commitment, a few months after the new constitution endorses it, nothing happens. Then in 2002, after 3 years in the government, he was forced to put his hands to the direction of the oil industry, so he was overthrown, saved by the masses and restored to power, but again insisted on accepting the rules of the economic interests of the empire, restitution of the old directive of PDVSA and amnesty to the coup plotters. This radicalized, all within the bourgeois framework, the struggle for the administration of the oil rent, between a nationalist and pro-imperialist attempt, the nationalist attempt, inaugurated a label Socialism of the 21st century (2005) , where it was specified that his way of being expressed a peaceful revolution, what is a contradiction of terms

Chavismo, when the previous regime called Punto Fijo pact failed, had its birth as an attempt to continue taking advantage of the oil rent, without investing in production in Venezuela, through a Bonapartist regime, whose function is to arbitrate between the classes, without endangering class domination. Arbitrating between social classes, implied being repudiated by rancid sectors of the Venezuelan parasite bourgeoisie and its foreign partners, which does not prevent to continue united by a thousand bonds with the mechanisms of domination of the imperialist financial capital and its Creole partners, is also indispensable to be able arbitrate having to be supported by the army. 

This nationalism is populist, patriotic, which hides defining the class that favors strategically in its relations of production, aims to level the political imbalance of the previous regime and to that end, took progressive measures to a certain limit to stabilize the bourgeois order(5).
Chavismo became the most important movement of mass mobilization in Latin America, because of its quantity, its duration, and and for what it achieved, as a result of the high foreign concurrency income to the country, all this did not go beyond welfare. Despite his blunders, it was deposed and reinstated by a popular insurgency in April 2002, saved by the workers' control in particular of the oil industry after the oil lockout of December 2002-February 2003, ratified after a constitutional recall referendum ( 2004), requested through a falsified convocation, by the right-wing coup leaders not punished for this.

It is important to note that after the bosses' defeat during the lockout, the gangster union bureaucracy, armed bands, totally undemocratic was displaced, where, however, important milestones were won with the struggles of the workers 'movement, despite the fact that the government built another trade union center to regiment the workers' movement. 

With unbeatable material conditions to govern, with a parliament totally to its whims, in the course of 2005 to 2012 a huge oil rent was squandered, with an economic policy of transferring most of those immense resources to foreign and national capitals , in that order, banking, the financial sector month after month was boosting its profits extraordinarily. 

Until the start of 2008 - the collapse of foreign exchange earnings, due to low prices of crude oil exports, as a result of a recession in the main consumer countries. They had all the best conditions for the impulse of the country, they squandered it and they ran out.

The paralysis of the economy 

Maduro has said that 70000 million dollars of debt has been paid, with that amount plus the dollars granted by Cadivi and Cencoex since 2004, the best industrial park in Latin America would have been built next to a vast integral agrarian reform. 

Now we are in a paralysis of the economy, where it is not intended to leave the cause that produced it, only resort to warm cloths to lighten the fever. On the part of the government, they only take pains to look for how to obtain dollars to continue in the same. From the private sector, the industrial sectors became the best importing merchants, through the acquisition of preferential dollars, provided by the welfare state and it is enough to hear Lorenzo Mendoza to realize that his actions are to continue demanding dollars from the welfare state in order to continue producing, more parasite can not be this national bourgeoisie. 

The production when it is not zero is very low in all public and private companies, the heavy industry of Guayana, the oil industry, all sectors of manufacturing, metalworking, plastics, chemicals, auto parts, tires, household appliances, in addition to confiscation of the money of the Venezuelans on the part of the banks, promoted by the BCV. 

Bringing stones from the outside to dollars almost given away, does not have to do with the priority of importing the indispensable ones to start up the industry, if the private industry it requires some input or spare part to operate, what is strictly necessary in quality and quantity, the state can acquire it without continuing to grant dollars and deliver it to the company, which pays it in bolivars. 

The current extreme and fragile situation, which during all 2017, with attempts of fascist outbreaks, sieges to institutions of the state and the government, now passes in 2018 due to hunger, scarcity, inflation, unemployment to generate popular breakthroughs genuine not promoted by the “guarimberos”, which has not been generalized yet, indicates the degree of contention that the government still exercises in the most oppressed sectors 

The default is a time bomb for the Venezuelan financial system, its Venezuelan banking system and with it of course the economy, the debt of sovereign bonds and PDVSA are a heavy burden that cannot be overcome. Throughout 2018, the BCV and the government will continue to reduce real public spending, not nominal, tied to an insurmountable obstacle, the lack of production and the absence of foreign currency, to achieve the surplus that guarantees the payment of the debt. 

This will have as a consequence an impetuous increase in unemployment, wages of misery and a huge growth of extreme poverty(6). 

The alternative 

The defeats and learnings are in the real mobilizations and struggles, which are carried out even in desperate Chavistas  bases before the decrease of social spending along with a speculative trade that the government allows and in passing adds increases in services and products that they produce. So not everything is imputed to the empire and the Venezuelan right. 

The survival of this government is not based today on broad popular support, but still large sectors resist and defend their modest employment, such as teaching above all at the university level and humanistic careers that although not well oriented, is not what promotes the traditional right, in addition a sector especially of adults who before did not have access to the study, the representatives of the cultural sector, that although quite declined, was promoted by the government, farmers with lands granted, public employees, pensioners for their growth and their miserable but real amount, not as previously they died waiting for the pension.

 Those of the empire are aware of the monumental development of the misgovernment that exists in the Venezuelan economy, the mechanisms of surveillance and coercion of status are losing control over very impoverished, unemployed sectors, in particular rural and anarchic urban areas adjacent to the roads where they move the transport of food that is being assaulted, and they know that the government's handouts to contain them are not enough. 

The MUD, demonstrates its incompetence as an alternative, then the empire has no choice but to bend the government, pushing it to put it on its knees and reach to an agreement to leave the crisis to their benefit, especially in the control of oil. The government also knows that it cannot leave the quagmire alone, and also requires an agreement with private capital but does not accept to deliver everything they ask, eliminate the ANC, recognize the AN, legal update of political parties, privatizations, greater economic cuts in conclusion there is a whole impasse. 

What the US and capital fear is an uprising out of control of the mass movement, the confrontation with the workers and the people with limited resources, is what is expected. 

As long as the fighters and the working class do not take the lead and do not take action to solve your needs, disasters will follow. There is still a fragile balance between a weak and erratic government and opposition from the unpopular right, which aspires to become a government. But even an electoral victory in the MUD or in a sector of it in the current conditions of the crisis can become the beginning of its end by not being able to resolve the situation. 

The general political problem facing the ruling class is the situation of ruin economic the current crisis of power accelerates towards a social explosion, which will generate a total crisis of governability, and our only way is only on new socialist bases, to overcome the structural deficiencies of capitalism in Venezuela, which exploded with the world in crisis.

it is not limited to nationalists, the even greater problem is the "left" with a general and historical disorientation, with immersed proposals that are a mixture of tactics and rhetoric within capitalism, an absence of class work in the unions and in the communities, which lack of revolutionary objectives end in empty formalities that aggravate the confusion among the masses 

All the above facts, on the one hand, intensify the capitalist character of the Venezuelan economy and its ties of preference with transnational financial capital. We have to prepare ourselves, we have precious time to guide the action of the looming movement. 

The economic crisis is associated with the political crisis on a national and Latin American scale.

 The bourgeois economic "science" with its advisers and think tanks are frankly bankrupt. Through both liberal and nationalist governments, not only led to this economic and social crisis but now are totally unable to develop a strategy to get out of it, do not have a capitalist economic alternative to get out of the crisis the Keynesian and neoliberal recipes they have failed, they have nothing new and it is reflected in the political sphere as a process of total exhaustion 

The bipartisan adeco-copeyano political system collapsed in 1998 and the PSUV-MUD controversy is intended to become a polarization that is not stable and less durable. On this basis, discuss and decide a common plan throughout the country, direct action on the main social problems. 

The key elements of a revolutionary strategic orientation are summarized as follows: 

Venezuela for historical structural reasons(7), is the weakest link in Latin America, prone to bursting under the crushing weight of the world capitalist crisis, therefore cannot be restored in the same social bases The exit must be revolutionary or it will not be. Immediately required, nationalization of banking and foreign trade and all strategic sectors under workers' control, the elimination of payment of debt, no compensation to thief capitalists, reorganization of the economy according to social needs without bosses capitalists or bureaucrats. General increase of wages to cover the basic family basket. 

The endless horror must and may end in the outbreak of a social revolution and its triumph, the work force can realize the socialist reconstruction within a state of the Commune type and the councils revolutionaries of workers that can only be achieved with a Workers' Government 

Someone said that internationalism is not a political principle but the subjective reflection of the objective course of economic history. Venezuela will give to empire a lot of problem and the solidarity activity of denunciation against economic sanctions is fundamental for the Latin American working class to feel protagonist of its role as a revolutionary class.

José Capitán